22 Theatres, 235 Screens, 6 States
109 W. 4th Street, Big Spring, TX 79720, USA
Premiere Cinemas is committed to providing the best value and entertainment to our guests, day-in and day-out. As a cinema developer and operator, Premiere Cinemas strives to combine thoughtful design elements and quality environment schemes into comfortable and inviting atmospheres, and staff them with friendly and enthusiastic cast and crew members who share your love of movies. Premiere Cinemas may be one of the largest independent theatre circuits in the U.S., but we still operate with the principles we learned growing up in the movie business: provide better service than expected, ensure the best presentation possible, and always express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone attending. Our mission statement is simple: Do everything possible to make the movie-going experience fun and enjoyable by taking care of every guest personally. Thank you for visiting our website and we invite you to browse around a while as it is fully interactive with lots to see. Be sure to also check out the photo sections and events going on at your local theatre, or better yet, sign up for free weekly e-mail listings and movie news for your favorite Premiere Cinemas location! Thanks again, and welcome to our home on the web!