A loving mom, Paulette, who feels guilty after unfairly punishing her daughter Linda and would do anything to make it up to her. She sets off to make a chicken with peppers, even though she doesn't know how to cook.
Follows a helpline volunteer who is part of the small army that gets on the phone every night, fielding calls from all kinds of people feeling lonely, broken, etc.
A documentary look at calypso, mostly through the conversation and performances of two singers from Trinidad and Tobago, Lord Kitchener, nearing 70 when the film is made, and Calypso Rose. We see them practicing and in concert; both talk about their early careers. On hand with Lo... Read all
This vast musical fresco covers hundreds of years of history from enslavement to 20th-century immigration. Set on an enormous slave ship and boasts a dazzling array of brilliant choreography, wide-ranging musical styles and sharp satire.