The story is a alternate ending of the final two episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion tv series. It follows Shinji and Auska trying to prevent the occurance of Third Impact. Shinji still haunted in the death of Karou Nageisa is pressured in piloting Evangelion Unit-01; where Shinji is in the process of deciding whether or not humanity should continue to exist. While, Seele launches a dreadful attack on Nerv itself and given orders to kill all Nerv personal and aquring Eva-02 and Eva-01 in their hands. Their reason is to prevent Gendo Ikari to use Adam and Lilith to start third impact and gather his true intentions.
Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995) . After the defeat of the final Angel, Shinji Ikari falls into a deep depression. When SEELE orders the JSSDF to make a surprise attack on NERV's headquarters, Gendo Ikari retreats down into Terminal Dogma along with Rei Ayanami, where he begins to advance his own plans for the Human Instrumentality Project. Eventually, Shinji is pushed to the limits of his sanity as he is forced to decide the fate of humanity. — J. S NERV faces a brutal attack from SEELE, but with Asuka in a coma, and Shinji in a nervous breakdown, things soon turn into the surreal. This movie provides an concurrent ending to the final two episodes of the show "Neon Genesis Evangelion". — Anonymous With the final Angel defeated, NERV HQ and the Eva pilots think their task is done. But it is soon revealed that all they've been fighting for is a lie: SEELE, the secret parent corporation of NERV, wanted to eliminate the Angels so it would be free to carry out the Human Instrumentality Project, ushering in a new level of human existence. However, SEELE discovers that NERV Director Gendou Ikari has betrayed them, as he plans to initiate his own altered version of the Project for his own plans. SEELE engineers a massive leave-no-survivors assault on Tokyo-3 by the conventional Japanese army, as well as deploying the 9 new mass-production model Eva units. With NERV being overwhelmed, the pilots of their 2 remaining Eva units mentally in no condition to fight, 9 horrifying new Eva's bearing down on the base, and Gendou descending into the bowels of NERV HQ to attempt the bring about Third Impact with Rei, the future of humanity lies in 14 year old Shinji's hands. — Anonymous