Follows Red, daughter of the Queen of Hearts, and Chloe, daughter of Cinderella, as they team up to save Auradon by traveling in back in time using the White Rabbit's pocket watch, to stop an event that would cause grave consequen...
The expansive new story finds polar opposites Red and Chloe crossing paths at a momentous celebration in Auradon when unexpected chaos breaks out. In order to prevent an impending coup, they must join forces to travel back in time, via a magical pocket watch created by the Mad Hatter's son, to stop an event that would lead to grave consequences. Former Villain Kid Uma, now headmaster of Auradon Prep, extends an invite to the school to another VK - Red, the rebellious daughter of the Queen of Hearts from Wonderland. After the Queen of Hearts incites a coup against Auradon, Red must team up with Cinderella's perfectionist daughter Chloe and travel back in time to try to undo the traumatic event that set Red's mother down her villainous path.