Based on the novel by Jason Wright, it tells the story of reporter Hope Jensen, who uncovers the secret behind "Christmas Jars" - jars filled with money and given anonymously to people in need. The phenomenon has changed countless...
Based on the bestselling novel by Jason F. Wright, it tells the story of reporter Hope Jensen, who uncovers the remarkable secret behind the "Christmas Jars" - glass jars filled with coins and bills anonymously left for people in need. Christmas Jars is a phenomenon with a reach far beyond that of a typical novel, as it created a new tradition that has changed the lives of many people in their time of need all over the country. A newspaper editor gives fact checker Hope Jensen a rare shot at being promoted reporter if she can present a fetching seasonal human interest story. It's about 'Christmas jars', glass container which ordinary people use to collect spare change all year, to spend on charitable purposes around Christmas. A fine case is the family of carpenter Adam Maxwell, whose shy but charming son Adam soon gets a mutual crush on Hope, encouraged by their families. However the generous family wants to stay out of the picture, the editor ignores that, and disaster strikes the Maxwells, turning them needy for a change. — KGF Vissers