The story of how a young Donald Trump started his real-estate business in 1970s and '80s New York with the helping hand of infamous lawyer Roy M. Cohn.
Country of Origin: Canada,Denmark,Ireland,United States
Language: English
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Donald Trump started his real-estate business in 1970s and '80s New York with the helping hand of infamous lawyer Roy M. Cohn . 1970s New York: determined to emerge from his powerful father's shadow and make a name for himself in Manhattan real estate, aspiring mogul Donald Trump is in the earliest days of his career when he encounters the man who will become one of the most important figures in his life: political fixer Roy M. Cohn . Seeing promise in young Donald, the influential attorney--who secured espionage convictions against Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and investigated suspected Communists alongside Senator Joseph McCarthy--teaches his new acolyte how to amass wealth and power through deception, intimidation, and media manipulation. The rest is history. A young Donald Trump (Sebastian Stan), eager to make his name as a hungry second son of a wealthy family in 1970s New York, comes under the spell of Roy M. Cohn (Jeremy Strong), the cutthroat attorney who would help create the Donald Trump the world knows today. Cohn sees in Trump the perfect protégé: someone with raw ambition, a hunger for success, and a willingness to do whatever it takes to win. — Briarcliff Entertainment Cohn and Trump do a spiritual switcheroo. "The Apprentice" does not deal with Donald Trump 's childhood, nor his history as host of the reality TV show "The Apprentice", nor as president and possibly future president. In fact, it does not touch upon his 21st-century history at all. It only deals with young Donald Trump's relationship with ruthless cutthroat shark (think JAWS) lawyer Roy M. Cohn , during the late 20th century. Cohn has just three rules, attack attack attack, admit nothing, and deny everything, regardless of evidence. The initially surprisingly humble Donald Trump (when compared to Cohn) learned those three lessons well while developing real estate in Manhattan, and later in Atlantic City. With Cohn's help, he beat the rap against US Justice department charges of race discrimination, and got total tax abatements from the city of New York for his Manhattan developments, all while not paying his contractors and his bank loans, thus making Donald Trump the most flimflam, shifty shafty con artist perhaps ever in world history. What is surprising is that as Trump became the ultimate asshole, Cohn became surprisingly humble, especially during his fatal affliction with AIDS. It's like as if they've switched positions. What is under emphasized in this movie is the role that Donald Trump's father, Fred Trump Senior, played in molding Trump's killer instinct. This movie is not for the faint of heart as it shows some graphic sex scenes, albeit only briefly. Despite the movie's flaws, it does show the world how Donald Trump became the most dangerous animal on earth today. It is no surprise that he tried to suppress this movie, which may well prove to be the ultimate October surprise.